Airports in North Korea
Travel tips for your trip to North Korea Hotel Maps Famous Places in North Korea helps you to make your trip to North Korea in the holiday a Splendid One
North Korea is a puzzle to many people, especially for Americans as they have not been allowed to visit this country for years! North Korea seems to have been focused on how to remain isolationist, with great success. A hereditary dictatorship has passed from father to son, yet the father is still considered the president of the country. You will not be allowed to travel freely here. If you want to visit Pyongyang, the country's capital, or Paekdusan, Korea's highest peak featuring a crater lake atop a sacred mountain, you will be accompanied by two government-appointed chaperones. You will not be allowed to bring your cell phone, laptop, nor even western publications. The government does not want its people subjected to western 'lies'. You will be given a 'canned' narrative of the history of the country, of course accentuating the positive and for the most part be directed where to stay, what to do and who you can talk to. Now, if you still want to visit the country, just to experience what life here is really like, you will have to obtain governmental permission. On average, only 2,000 visitors are able to enter the country.
Did You Know?
There are 384 international flights per week out of North Korea.
The longest flights out of North Korea is 2,318 miles.
There are 384 seats available for international travel out of North Korea per week.
There are flights to 3 different countries from North Korea.
There are 1 airports operating within North Korea.
There are 2 carriers operating within North Korea.
The shortest international flight from North Korea is 202 miles.